Don't Forget to Focus on Your Dog's Needs While Remodeling

Remodeling your home can be an exciting time. While you're eager to make changes to your living space, it's important to consider how the process will affect the other members of your household, including your furry friends. Dogs can be especially sensitive to changes in their environment, so it's essential to take steps to care for them during a remodel. Here are some tips to ensure your dog's comfort and safety throughout the renovation process.

Establish a safe space: As much as possible, keep your dog's daily routine intact during the remodel. Designate a safe and quiet space for your dog to retreat to when things get loud and chaotic. Consider setting up a temporary crate or playpen in a quieter room away from the construction area. Make sure to keep plenty of food, water, and toys in the designated space to keep your dog occupied and comfortable.

Keep your dog away from the construction area: Dogs can easily become injured or distressed in a construction zone. Keep your dog away from the area as much as possible. This may involve keeping your dog in a different part of the house or even temporarily boarding your dog if the work is particularly disruptive.

Maintain your dog's exercise routine: Even with all the hustle and bustle of a remodel, it's important to maintain your dog's exercise routine. Regular walks and playtime are crucial for your dog's physical and mental health. Plus, exercise can help your dog burn off any stress or anxiety caused by the remodel. Try to stick to your dog's regular exercise routine as much as possible, even if it means finding alternative walking routes or parks to visit.

Keep your dog's feeding schedule consistent: Changes in routine can be stressful for dogs, so try to keep your dog's feeding schedule consistent throughout the remodel. This can help your dog maintain a sense of normalcy and routine. Additionally, be mindful of where you're feeding your dog during the remodel. Keep food and water bowls away from the construction area to avoid dust and debris getting in the food.

Consider using calming aids: If your dog is particularly anxious during the remodel, consider using calming aids like pheromone sprays or supplements. These can help ease your dog's stress and anxiety, making the remodeling process less traumatic for your furry friend.

Remodeling your home can be a hectic and stressful time for both you and your dog. By taking steps to care for your dog's comfort and safety, you can help minimize the impact of the remodel on your furry friend. Stick to your dog's regular routine as much as possible, establish a safe space for your dog to retreat to, and consider using calming aids to ease your dog's anxiety. With a little extra care and attention, you and your dog can get through the remodel together.