Our services are tailored to your needs as a property owner seeking to gain more knowledge about your property. We seek to mitigate risk, ensure quality, and safeguard your interests by acting as your fiduciary and advocate. We provide both residential and commercial building consulting.

To that end, we mainly offer four types of consultations:

1) Property Maintenance Consultation

Think of this as your property’s check-up. Just as you regularly go to the doctor for a physical to catch any health issues before they become problems, our maintenance consultation will identify maintenance and improvements that should be done to increase the lifespan of your building and prevent costly repairs. You’ll receive a written inspection report along with an on-site discussion of our findings.

2)Troubleshooting Consultation

This consultation is relevant for folks who have a problem and want more information on what is wrong before taking action. Frequently we perform this type of inspection for folks who are having moisture intrusion issues, though we’re happy to investigate any issue you may have. We are happy to tailor this experience to your needs.

3) Pre-Remodel Consultation

Gaining a thorough understanding of the condition of the building you will be remodeling can save you money and make your remodel more efficient. 

Our pre-remodel consultation gives you the information you need to make informed decisions while planning your remodel by:

  1. Identifying hidden problems that may otherwise not be discovered by your contractor until remodel work is underway (or worse, not discovered until after remodel work is complete).

  2. Identifying issues that will be most cost-effective to resolve during remodeling. 

  3. Identifying systems that may need upgrading for your remodel to be successful.  

  4. Identifying opportunities for improved building performance that should be addressed during the remodel.  

  5. Identifying items that need to be included in the budget that may otherwise be overlooked until your contractor hands you a change order. 

  6. Offering suggestions that will assist you in planning a remodel that will be a success. 

Our pre-remodel consultation includes a written inspection report, on-site discussion, and ongoing consultation as needed.

4) Owner/Builder Consultation

No two owner-builders have the same needs, therefore, our services are tailored to fit your needs. We’re happy to provide as little or as much assistance as you need in any aspect of your project.

To schedule our services, or for more information, please contact us.